Are wheelchairs covered by Medicare?

The cost of purchasing a wheelchair is not covered by Medicare, even though some Google articles may say it is. Google often refers to the American Medicare system not our Australian one. Don’t worry, it confused even us. But there is a silver lining; wheelchairs in Australia fall under the category of assistive technology products and are generally covered by the NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme). This is a fantastic government initiative that’s designed to help Australians who qualify for this scheme achieve their unique goals, including the purchase of a new or replacement wheelchair.

What is the NDIS?

The National Disability Insurance Scheme, commonly known as the NDIS, is an initiative run by the National Disability Insurance Agency to provide funding and support to eligible Australians with a disability. You may apply if you have a permanent or significant disability, and are aged between 7 and 65 years old.

The NDIS is delivered across Australia through their local community partners. These are experts in the disability sector who can help you gain access to assistive technology products for use in your daily life and to connect with services where you can participate fully in your community. 

To find out more about what NDIS services are available to you in your area, contact your local area coordinator. Details can be found on the NDIS website.

How to become an NDIS participant?

When you become eligible for the NDIS, you’ll receive funding to work towards the goals in your NDIS plan. These goals are tailored around you and your specific needs, such as how to increase your independence using assistive technology products like a wheelchair or participating in social and recreation activities.

To apply for NDIS funding, simply fill out the NDIS Access Request Form  or phone 1800 800 110 to make a verbal access request. You can also email the NDIS at or contact your local NDIS office.

Qualifying for a wheelchair under the NDIS

Unlike Medicare, assistive technologies (AT) are covered under the NDIS. An AT is a physical support that helps you do something you otherwise wouldn't have been able to do due to your disability. Such technologies include manual and powered wheelchairs. However, as mentioned above, you do need to meet the necessary criteria to qualify for a wheelchair under the NDIS.

For your manual or powered wheelchair to be funded by your NDIS plan, an assistive technologies assessor (such as an allied health professional) will need to determine the right AT solution for your particular needs.

The NDIS will then fund part or the entirety of your wheelchair, depending on its category and price. It's important to be aware of how much the NDIS deems each AT to be worth, so make sure you request the correct amount of funding.

For more information on how much NDIS funding an eligible applicant will need for a new or replacement wheelchair, check out the NDIS guide here.

Choosing an NDIS service provider

Once your local NDIS coordinator has worked with you to put together your individual NDIS plan, you can then reach out to a chosen service provider.

Glide is an NDIS registered provider offering you both choice and value. As an NDIS provider, Glide adheres to strict government quality control and stringent safeguard measures. When it comes to your new or replacement wheelchair, Glide’s experienced staff members are ready to help with any questions you may have about your NDIS plan and what wheelchairs you can access.

Give us a call on (08) 9345 3400 or get in touch today.

What if I don’t meet the eligibility requirements for the NDIS?

It’s important to note the NDIS and Medicare aren’t the only government services available to you. If you have a disability but don’t meet the eligibility requirements for NDIS funding, your local NDIS service coordinator is still there to help. They can assist you in finding and accessing other government services such as Early Childhood Early Intervention Partner or Aged Care and Service Support Services.


Where can wheelchairs go?


Wheelchair spare parts in Australia.