Where can wheelchairs go?
Wondering what your wheelchair can actually do? And where it can go safely and without getting stuck? Let’s break it down so you can avoid breaking down.
In a nutshell; wheelchairs can go pretty much anywhere that feet can. It’s just about finding the right chair to suit the environment with the right accessories.
Can wheelchairs go on grass?
Wheelchairs can indeed go on grass. Just think about tennis players like Dylan Alcott - grass certainly never stopped him. It’s just a matter of making sure the type of grass you’re tackling is right for your type of chair.
The grass on a tennis court is regularly trimmed and well looked after which makes for a much easier ride. Similarly, natural lawns that are mowed and maintained can be driven across by most wheelchairs. It's when grass gets wet or doesn’t grow evenly with soil patches that can turn to pits post-storm that problems start to arise. Luckily there are some great wheelchairs out there that are grass-ready and geared up for the more treacherous terrain.
It’s important to note that propelling yourself on grass in a manual wheelchair does require some skill. Some of us just don’t have the same physical capabilities as others - whether we’re older or due to our type of disability. This is where power wheelchairs come in. Power wheelchairs are perfect for tackling rough terrain without a heap of arm muscle. A great example is the powered CentroGlide XT - eXtreme Terrain. This powered chair is ready to go off-road, pavement etc. being fitted with low pressure, wide tyres able to navigate the outdoors with confidence. These chairs are designed to do more, so you can too.
When it comes to your backyard, beyond the issues mentioned above, grass also requires a lot of maintenance which can be challenging for a wheelchair owner. Artificial grass or AstroTurf can be a great alternative to use in your garden that’s easy on chairs and even easier to maintain. It looks great with minimal effort and maximum life expectancy. It’s also pretty on-trend at the moment.
Can wheelchairs go on gravel?
Pushing a regular wheelchair across a gravel surface can be challenging. Sometimes, the harder you push, the deeper you become stuck. But rest assured there are different styles of chairs and accessories that can help.
Off-road wheels are one such accessory. They’re wider, tougher and stronger with a thicker skin to resist risks of getting a flat tyre. They’re also easy to swap out for your regular wheels.
Rubber mats are a slightly less extreme accessory suitable for gravel driveways. These cheap, easy-to-use alternatives enable your chair’s wheels to get a good grip so you can wheel across with ease. Or, if you’re sick of mats, there are also wheelchair friendly driveways that come with super-compact gravel, easily installed in your new or existing home.
You can also buy or make yourself a temporary access mat which can be carried with you when away from the home. These mats easily rolled out on the fly.
There are powdered wheelchairs out there that like the CentroGlide XT that can conquer some gravel surfaces. Just also make sure to read instructions carefully - especially the dos and don’ts to avoid getting stuck.
The CentroGlide XT
Can wheelchairs go on sand?
Unfortunately, traveling across beach sand isn’t recommended for most wheelchairs. Even our CentroGlide XT isn’t recommended to be used on soft sand. But don’t be put off. Going to the beach is an Australian pastime every Aussie should be able to enjoy. It’s , it’s just about picking the right beach and using the right accessories.
Many patrolled Australian beaches do have beach matting available, providing a safe path to the water for wheelchair users. Whether in a manual or powered wheelchair, you can move safely across this matting and access the water with ease.
There are also wheelchairs specifically designed for the beach that can be rented all across Australia. Click here to find your nearest beach wheelchair rental service.
You can also take your regular wheelchair to the beach, just make sure to study the conditions carefully and know your access points. Take someone with you to help out and hang out, then give your chair a good clean when you get back. Particularly the wheels, tires, tyres, frames and axels as salt and sand can cause corrosion.
Australian beaches are becoming more and more accessible with companies like Accessible Beaches working with local councils to ensure beaches have accessible parking spaces, improved pathways, viewing platforms, accessible amenities, signage and more. Going to the beach is an important part of Australian culture and identity and should be something we can all enjoy without too much planning or hassle.
Wheelchairs really can go further than ever before. With the right chair and accessories, you can enjoy all the Australian outdoors have to offer and make what you may have thought impossible, very possible.