How to prepare for your wheelchair evaluation

Oct 14.jpg

Your wheelchair evaluation can be both an exciting and daunting experience. Whether it is your first time or fifth time, it’s the same mixture of emotions that comes with making one of the biggest decisions of your life. 

Luckily, there are a few things you can do prior to your evaluation to ensure you get a successful wheelchair prescription. Remember: planning and preparation will help the process run as smoothly as possible. 

By following these simple steps, you will be informed, empowered and ready to pick the perfect chair for you and your needs. 

Put together a wish list of features 

Prior to your evaluation, it’s important to set some goals and a wish list of features and benefits. Think about the activities you currently use your chair for and the activities you could do with the aid of a new chair. 

Reflect on the different environments and obstacles you encounter on a daily basis. You might be tempted to think about funding, but don’t let that dictate the goals you want to achieve with your wheelchair.  

If you are currently using a wheelchair or other assistive device, document what does and does not work well for you. What equipment did you previously use or try?  What did you like about it, what didn’t you like?  What are the features that are the most important to you?    

Other things you can start to consider at this stage is the type of frame, the design, the seat, the components and the configuration options offered. 

Another very important factor is if the wheelchair manufacturer is local and will support you for years with spare parts. Glide, for example, is an Australian manufacturer of powered and manual wheelchairs with a 40-year history of supporting customers with spare parts and service.

Asking yourself these questions will help ensure that the features and components that best fit your lifestyle goals are selected for the new chair.


Wheelchair technology is evolving at a rapid pace so it’s important to research what’s available and what you like so you can discuss it during your evaluation. 

Visit the Glide website to see the extensive range of models and various features available.  

It may have been a few years since your last new wheelchair, or this may be your first, so it’s important to know the latest technology available in the world of wheelchairs. 

New technology in the wheelchair space is allowing for the production of chairs that are low in weight but high in performance. You have more choices now than ever when it comes to options, mobility bases, and materials.  

The more you know about what’s available, the better position you will be in to discuss exactly what you want. Don’t worry too much about cost at this stage, funding will come later so don’t be afraid to ask for something you’ve found during your research. 


Whether you plan to leverage a government program such as the NDIS, workers compensation, veterans’ benefits, or self-fund, it’s useful to go into your evaluation knowing your funding options and what is and isn’t available through your funding source. 

It’s also important to know exactly what your coverage includes and what it means for out-of-pocket payments. For example, did you know that some funding sources prohibit the client from paying out-of-pocket for upgrades?

Many high-performance components may not be covered by the funding source. Fear not! If you are eligible to pay out-of-pocket you can simply pay the difference. 

Some other important things you should do include:

  • Familiarising yourself with documents regarding your benefits and eligibility.

  • Understanding the qualification criteria because past qualification doesn’t automatically qualify you for the next one. 

If you’re struggling with funding programs, you also have the choice to purchase your chair outright via your savings or other avenues such as charities. 


Your team will play an incredibly important role in your evaluation so it’s imperative that you assemble a supportive and knowledgeable one. Your team will typically include a family member or members, your physician, therapist, supplier, and/or caregiver.  

It’s important that everyone is on the same page going into the evaluation so take the time to clearly explain your goals and priorities to your team. 

It’s recommended that you meet with both the therapist and supplier so all parties can collaborate to best meet your mobility and equipment goals. If you are on NDIS, it is important to always find and work with an NDIS approved provider, like Glide for example. 

The big day!

The big day has arrived finally! Your dream team is assembled and you’re as prepared as you can be. Your planning and groundwork will give you the confidence to be an equal partner in this process and ultimately lead to a successful wheelchair prescription.

During your evaluation, remember to speak up and ask questions if you don’t understand or you are not convinced of what is being suggested for you. Your new wheelchair will be a huge part of your life so it’s important that it meets all of your needs. 

At Glide, we’re available to answer any questions you may have to ensure you get the perfect chair for you. Contact our team for any information you may need to help you make your choice.


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